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Best Insurance Tips for Cyclists

By March 28, 2018January 11th, 2023No Comments

Riding a bike is a popular activity for many people. Others use bikes to commute to and from work. Whether it’s a fun hobby, a mode of transportation, or a form of exercise, riding a bike is known to be dangerous. According the Center for Disease Control, in 2015 there were 1,000 bicyclists fatalities and about 467,000 bicycle-related injuries. With such a high rate of accidents, it is crucial to take bike safety seriously.

Some states do not require cyclists to wear helmets while riding. And most cyclstis do no have insurance coverage for when accidents happen. These insurance tips will help protect you, your bicycle, and others on the road.

Insurance Coverage for Your Bike

One of the most common incidents involving your bicycle is theft or damage. If this happens to you, then it may be protected under your homeowners insurance. However, it can also depend on what your home insurance coverage entails (whether you have personal property coverage). To best cover your bicycle, a umbrella policy can help. An umbrella insurance policy will help extend the coverage of your homeowner’s insurance.

Having an auto insurance policy may not seem intuitive in a biking incident, but it may help out. Some auto insurance policies have personal injury protection, which may help cover costs related to auto injuries. Should you decide to sue whoever hit you on your bike, your liability coverage would help cover the costs. However, if you get injured while riding a bike, your medical insurance coverage is there to help.

Bike Safety Tips

  1. Wear a helmet

Even if it’s not required, you should wear a helmet every time you bike. It could end up saving your life if you are involved in a cycling accident.

  1. Be visible to others on the road

Make sure that other people on the road can see you clearly. At night, wear bright colors and reflective clothing. Adding reflectors on your bike too will help others see you. If you ride at night frequently, consider getting a headlight for your bike.

  1. List your bike in your home inventory

Make sure to add your bike into your home inventory and policies. Bikes are not cheap, so having some coverage on it will help in the event of a claim. You should also save the receipt to help with the claims process.

  1. Lock your bike

Bikes are frequently stolen. When you are not using your bike, always lock it up. If you are locking your bike in public, chain it to an object that cannot be moved and that your bike cannot be lifted over. A good option for a lock is a U-lock.

  1. Be prudent on the road

Being a caution bike rider will help you avoid accidents. Bikes share the road with cars and adhere to the same laws. Like a car uses a turning signal, you should too. Being a defensive and safe bike rider is a good habit to establish.

The next time you take your bike for a spin, be prepared and be safe! Using these tips and making sure you have the insurance coverage in place to support you is a good idea. If you are ever in doubt about how insurance affects you as a cyclist, talk to an agent! They can help you sort out any questions or concerns you might have. Stay safe on the roads!

Call an Encharter agent at 888.754.8299 today!

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